Saturday, December 15, 2012

Those Empty people who made this thing called a movie .. i don't care about them !!
because i think and i'm sure that they are nothing for me ..
because i believe that our prophet mohammed pbuh is higher than anybody of them.
it's enough for me that he is the last prophet ever !! he was the teacher of humain kind 
i don't know how did they have the audacity to do what they did 
at least, there is something called respect of religions 
i don't know even if they were people or devils
but what did i know that they are not humain 'cause i know that humains have respect which they haven't

you know what i did not watch those unreal pictures in this movie
and i'll never watch it

because they are just bad ignorants who doesn't deserve to show them any little value or respect
may be animals deserve it more than them
so that's only what i want to say
just not to lose time caring about them
just be strong follow Allah and your prophet
to be better Muslim for you for me and for the whole ummah

thanks for reading
i wiish someday our ummah wil be the first
but not by doing those fake refolutions and fake manifestations

by working by teaching by discovering ..... searching knowing

that is the secert to success

good luck

quote Love Hate And Respect

Love Hate And Respect

a quote 

Just like love ... hate is humain too

but most important is respect
so that's why we should respect even when we love or hate someone ...


Friday, October 5, 2012

Quote : Past

Quote : Past 

when you don't understand the story of a movie that you are watching .. you replay a part of it to understand
just like life .. sometimes we just can't go on in life without reviewing our pasts 

quand tu ne comprends pas l'histoire d'un film que tu vois tu fais le replay d'une part de cet film pour mieux comprendre

c'est comme ça la vie parfois on peut jamais continuer a vivre normalement sans revoir nos passés 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Trust By : Me

Hi guys i wish you are all good
this is my poem i wrote it i guess two years agoo
and now i'm publishing it on the net
so here it is

i whish you'll like it

bye and good luck 

Friday, August 24, 2012


hi how are you today ?
i live taking pictures and sharing it in web 
i just take this one by my mobile's camera 
it's not perfect but still good in my opinion 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nice Words

أحيــانآآ نشعر أننا لسنا مثل البقية
يراودنا ذلك الشعور بالتميز ..
الا أننا في غالب الاحيان لا نختلف عنهم بشيء
أنذاك فقط ندرك أننا نستطيع أن نكون الأفضل
و الأسبق فقط علينا بالصبر
لان خير الامور ليس عاجلها كما هو شائع
... خير الامور تلك التي يتأنى الواحد منا في تجسيدها على ارض الواقع ..


Thursday, April 26, 2012


every Moment in ur lifes îs a moment of hope