Friday, May 31, 2013


Life doesn't give you happiness for nothing ..
 lifes takes a lot of what your life quota
hours, days and years of your life ..
 moments over moments 
days over days 
passed and your tears still falling down 
when all your beliefs in love are going away one over one 
when you look for safety for love 
but all you find is a just a lot of pain and tears waiting for you
when you feeled like you were so happy, but suddenly, this moment goes away and every thing turn off 180 degree 
When a tears  set off your smile  .. 
when something were possible becames a dream 
when a hope inside you became just a nightmare
when you thought that every thing is ok then in a moment you saw again
and all you see just memories and pain everywhere 
when you draw your life plans 
than someone just comes and push all what did you draw away

when  you lose hope in everything around you
when lies fill in all your life 
when you lose your humain nature 
your kidness, your ability to believe, to distinct between which is right and which is not 
when you lose your trust, your lovers ...
when people just change so hurry and you can't understand them 
when every thing changed but you wan't 
when the world around you turn off all light 
when good people became stars and charity as a moon light 
in a dark night
when you get that you are living with monsters,with a fake humains 

all you can do is to try to keep praying for a better world and to keep living lonely as much as possible  far from a such persons
waiting for your destiney waiting for your death day 
waiting the time when you can go away from this world 
to leave where you can find Your dreams 
where good people lives forever 
Where you can see Allah 
where every thing will be perfect inchallah 
because this Life is not for ever 
someday it gonna ends and just there everything will be ok for good people 
because there is an indian quote that said 
(every thing will be ok in the end if it's not ok it's not the end )
I'm not agree sometimes it ends in a bad way 
and sometimes it is just the way it shoul ends
bcause it doesn't matter how ever you can be mean
because someday you will just be judged over everthing and then it's not gonna ok

But, what ever it happened it still there is a chance
a chance to be better to change who you are to change what will do
to catch the hope
and just then you will meet happines ... the real happiness

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Darkness and light's quote


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
If we hate some people that hate us, that's not gonna solve the probleme 
we should try to love even when we are hated 
i said try because i know sometimes we just can't do it with some people that always are trying to drive us crazy 

Friday, May 24, 2013


"Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy." 
— Rumi

when we are tested by Allah in our lifes, our families, our healths, our dears and nears
That's mean we are the closer to Allah
that's why he choose us over millions and millions of people
he give us a chance to choose the paradise direction
by being satisfied and give him a mercy
than hoping for a better case

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prophyrias and Vampires


Vampires stories nowadays, became a passion. Series, movies and legends and even blogs and web sites who talks about vampires are successful. All of us have watched or rode at least one serie or legends . for example Twilight this famous movie ( of course you watched it at least the first season), vampires diaries … you watch and read about them but do you asked yourself once it’s real or no? if there something called vampire or no .. if this idea which is going on real or no.. or even where this comes from .. and the origins of a such ideas I know you are a little surprised but you will be more surprised after reading what’s going next. If I told that this is a little real but not totally.. There is an hypothesis that suggest that Porphyrias can be the origin of those ideas. But until now nothing has been official. Prophyrias or Prophyra is rare blood trouble that affect one from every 25 000 persons, caused by the absence of a necessary enzyme in the production of the heme of HG


Monday, May 20, 2013

Quote of the day

“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.” 

Jane Austin

Thursday, May 16, 2013


  آ حيــآنآ نشعر أننا مميزون ... مختلفون عن البقية .. رغم اننــآ مثلهم
 ~|بل لا نختلف عنهم بشيئ فنحن كلنا ~ | بــ ،،  شـــ ،،  ر 

لكن إدرآكنــا لذواتنا هو من يدفعنا الى هذا الشعور 
لذلك أقول من يفهم نفسه جيدا و يدركها 
سيعرف حتما معنى الاختلاف الحقيقي 
و لا اعني هنا ذاك الاختلاف في الشكل او المال او النسب 
انما تلك القدرة على اكتشاف الاشياء من حولنا من دون الحاجة الى الآخر 
فعلا انها تميز داخلي 
 ... لا بد لنا من ان نبحث عنه 

في أعمـــآقنــآ

Sometimes, we feel that we are special .. differents of the others .. Although we are the same and even we don't differ them in any thing .. because we are all humains 

But our conceptions to our selves who make us feel this way 
that's why i always use to say this who understand his self well and realize it
he will know the real meaning of difference sure
and i don't mean here the difference of shapes, money, origins
but the power to discover the things around us without help from any body else 
it's really  an internal uniqueness 
that we should look for it inside our selves


Essay of mine: Feel Better

Hi everybody 
how are you today ?
i wish you are all happy .
i was trying with sony vegas to create something as a first essay of mine 
i just made this 
i wish you will like it 
as a first  essay 
and i promeses i'll do all what i can to be better 
i'm not gonna let you wait 
here is and don't laugh at me please 

and most important feel better and don'tt let anybody make you sad or angry 
this is your life and you are not gonna let it pass when you are crying or losing you time thinking about someone who doesn't deserve 
always let people see the smile in your face 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today i figured out that even when you've been open-handed with some people they becaome more pleasered but contrary with others they just became more greedy .

Sunday, May 12, 2013

What's goinig on ? What's happening in the world ....?

What's goinig on ? What's happening in the world ....? 

what the false that tose children made .. 
what a shame .. what a case we are in ...
what a bad feeling .. what a conscience ..

what a kinf of sin he made to be a mother and a father since he needs them 
what a safety he got to give it to her sister 
 what a crime they are doing  .. 
what the raison that make someone take a kid from his parents

 what he did do to act with him this way 
to act with him as an animal 
isn't a humain like you and i ..??
 is it a criminal ..? 
are you sure he or them 
what do you think when someone take your place , your country , 
your mother ,your father .. your sisters ans brothers 
when someone simply take all what do you have and let you outside 
are you gonna give him a kiss
are you gonna give him a hug ...??

when all people continue to live like nothing is happening 
like nobody is mistaken 
like they don't care 

when a kid of four years old become a man 
 a war's man .. became a fighter

when she's screaming and they are looking like she's crazy 
when she's calling for help and they are lauphing 
isn't the time to wake up ??
to open our eyes !!

when this women ... i don't know how to say it 
a women become a man .. a soldat without weapens 
a humain shield 

is that the place where all our grandparents live in ...

is it the place that Allah sends Adam (pbuh)to .. 
is it the green planet .. is it the super peaceful world we can get ever  ..
I don't understand why we made ourselves this way ? why we forget to be humains 
why we push out all our pity and kidness ..
why we shut up even when people, womens, kids ... are dying ..  are being killed by who 
by humains ...sorry i made a mistake they were humains 
they are monsters ... ghosts in a humains body 

fuck you people i won't wait any more i'll fight for me for them for every child for every women for every humain 
for everyone who have the right to feel better to have fun to pass his life in peace 

Their tears, their broken hopes, their freedom's and peaceful's Dreams 
they don't have nothing to do but a lot to give a lot to feel 
a lot to see a lot to years and years to setoff ..... to feel happiness  
to forget injustice

Friday, March 15, 2013


life is not fair sometimes and chances are not given all the times ,

but that does not mean that you should give up . .

when a chance is not given to you ...

made your own chances because we are in the world of chances

& because sometimes waiting is too long

we should move on without waiting chances which we don't know if it will come or no ...

that's our world guys so let's realize our dreams right now ...without waiting help from any body else but only from Allah ..