Sunday, May 12, 2013

What's goinig on ? What's happening in the world ....?

What's goinig on ? What's happening in the world ....? 

what the false that tose children made .. 
what a shame .. what a case we are in ...
what a bad feeling .. what a conscience ..

what a kinf of sin he made to be a mother and a father since he needs them 
what a safety he got to give it to her sister 
 what a crime they are doing  .. 
what the raison that make someone take a kid from his parents

 what he did do to act with him this way 
to act with him as an animal 
isn't a humain like you and i ..??
 is it a criminal ..? 
are you sure he or them 
what do you think when someone take your place , your country , 
your mother ,your father .. your sisters ans brothers 
when someone simply take all what do you have and let you outside 
are you gonna give him a kiss
are you gonna give him a hug ...??

when all people continue to live like nothing is happening 
like nobody is mistaken 
like they don't care 

when a kid of four years old become a man 
 a war's man .. became a fighter

when she's screaming and they are looking like she's crazy 
when she's calling for help and they are lauphing 
isn't the time to wake up ??
to open our eyes !!

when this women ... i don't know how to say it 
a women become a man .. a soldat without weapens 
a humain shield 

is that the place where all our grandparents live in ...

is it the place that Allah sends Adam (pbuh)to .. 
is it the green planet .. is it the super peaceful world we can get ever  ..
I don't understand why we made ourselves this way ? why we forget to be humains 
why we push out all our pity and kidness ..
why we shut up even when people, womens, kids ... are dying ..  are being killed by who 
by humains ...sorry i made a mistake they were humains 
they are monsters ... ghosts in a humains body 

fuck you people i won't wait any more i'll fight for me for them for every child for every women for every humain 
for everyone who have the right to feel better to have fun to pass his life in peace 

Their tears, their broken hopes, their freedom's and peaceful's Dreams 
they don't have nothing to do but a lot to give a lot to feel 
a lot to see a lot to years and years to setoff ..... to feel happiness  
to forget injustice

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