Friday, May 31, 2013


Life doesn't give you happiness for nothing ..
 lifes takes a lot of what your life quota
hours, days and years of your life ..
 moments over moments 
days over days 
passed and your tears still falling down 
when all your beliefs in love are going away one over one 
when you look for safety for love 
but all you find is a just a lot of pain and tears waiting for you
when you feeled like you were so happy, but suddenly, this moment goes away and every thing turn off 180 degree 
When a tears  set off your smile  .. 
when something were possible becames a dream 
when a hope inside you became just a nightmare
when you thought that every thing is ok then in a moment you saw again
and all you see just memories and pain everywhere 
when you draw your life plans 
than someone just comes and push all what did you draw away

when  you lose hope in everything around you
when lies fill in all your life 
when you lose your humain nature 
your kidness, your ability to believe, to distinct between which is right and which is not 
when you lose your trust, your lovers ...
when people just change so hurry and you can't understand them 
when every thing changed but you wan't 
when the world around you turn off all light 
when good people became stars and charity as a moon light 
in a dark night
when you get that you are living with monsters,with a fake humains 

all you can do is to try to keep praying for a better world and to keep living lonely as much as possible  far from a such persons
waiting for your destiney waiting for your death day 
waiting the time when you can go away from this world 
to leave where you can find Your dreams 
where good people lives forever 
Where you can see Allah 
where every thing will be perfect inchallah 
because this Life is not for ever 
someday it gonna ends and just there everything will be ok for good people 
because there is an indian quote that said 
(every thing will be ok in the end if it's not ok it's not the end )
I'm not agree sometimes it ends in a bad way 
and sometimes it is just the way it shoul ends
bcause it doesn't matter how ever you can be mean
because someday you will just be judged over everthing and then it's not gonna ok

But, what ever it happened it still there is a chance
a chance to be better to change who you are to change what will do
to catch the hope
and just then you will meet happines ... the real happiness

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